Articles TIP et références scientifiques
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I/ Articles et publications en français
1/ Références pratiques en TIP
Vous voulez proposer à vos patients Vous vous intéressez à la thérapie interpersonnelle mais vous ne savez pas quel ouvrage vous procurer? Vous êtes sur la bonne page!
Les deux titres recensés ci-dessous vous serviront de référence pour réussir votre entrée dans la pratique de la thérapie interpersonnelle.
a/ Livre de cas cliniques: « Prendre en charge la dépression avec la thérapie interpersonnelle. »
Publié en juin 2022, il explique au travers de 10 cas cliniques, l’utilisation de la TIP dans la dépression. Cet ouvrage est idéal pour vous permettre de vous familiarisez avec l’utilisation concrète des outils. D’un abord simple et ludique, l’auteur illustre comment chaque outil peut être utilisé dans votre pratique.
Pour en savoir plus: cliquer sur ce lien.
b/ Ouvrage pour s’initier à la pratique de la TIP: « Pratiquer la Thérapie Interpersonnelle (TIP) »
Cet ouvrage est la pierre angulaire de la bibliographie francophone en thérapie interpersonnelle. Vous y trouverez toutes les explications nécessaires pour comprendre les principes de la TIP, ses modèles, ses mécanismes d’action et d’efficacité.
Les différentes étapes d’une psychothérapie TIP, conforme à la TIP classique de Weissman, Paykel et Klerman, y sont développées d’une façon claire et pédagogique, toujours tournée vers l’objectif de vous amener à la pratiquer concrètement.
2/ Articles en français sur les TIP
– Décembre 2023: Thérapie Interpersonnelle (TIP) chez l’adolescent: A.-H. Boudoukha , Y. L’Hégaret : Psychiatre, N. Neveux : Psychiatre;
– Juin 2017 : « La Thérapie Interpersonnelle, une psychothérapie efficace à découvrir », La lettre de Psychiatrie, N° 249 • juin-juillet 2017, P22-25.
– Novembre 2018 : La thérapie interpersonnelle : indications, modèles et application Annales médico-psychologiques ; Page :915-918
– Août 2018 : « Les thérapies interpersonnelles et la dépression de la personne âgée »; NPG Neurologie – Psychiatrie – Gériatrie
3/ Autre ouvrage sur les TIP
Psychothérapie interpersonnelle – Guide du clinicien – Scott Stuart et Michael Robertson (Editions érès, 2021). Seul bémol: il propose une version moins académique de la TIP. Par exemple il n’aborde pas le diagnostic TIP d’isolement. Il propose donc une vision TIP différente de celle de Klerman, Weissmann et Paykel.
II/ Place de la TIP dans la littérature scientifique
Guidelines internationales
Une chose est essentielle: les Thérapies InterPersonnelles ont fait scientifiquement la preuve de leur efficacité dans la dépression. C’est d’ailleurs le seul type de psychothérapie, avec les TCC, qui a pu prouver une telle efficacité.
C’est simple: l’OMS (Aide-mémoire N°369, février 2017) préconise:
« Il existe des traitements efficaces pour combattre les formes modérées à sévères d’épisode dépressif caractérisé. Les prestataires de soins peuvent proposer des traitements psychologiques (activation comportementale, la thérapie comportementale et cognitive [TCC], la thérapie interpersonnelle [TIP]) ou des médicaments AD. »
La TIP est clairement recommandée dans la prise en charge de la dépression par la NICE et l’APA.
En France, dès 2002, l’ANAES (ancienne HAS) préconise dans ses recommandations dans la prise en charge de la dépression, l’utilisation de la TIP.
Livres références en anglais
- The Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy: Updated and Expanded Edition, 2017
III/ Sociétés savantes américaines de TIP.
- IPT Institute:
- International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (ISIPT):
Ces sites proposent les références d’autres articles TIP.
IV/ Quelques articles TIP établissant cette efficacité
Comme vous le savez probablement si vous êtes sur cette page, pour prouver l’efficacité d’une approche thérapeutique, une étude seule ne suffit pas. Notamment, les méta-analyses sont nécessaires. Voici donc quelques références de publications prouvant l’efficacité de la TIP. Vous pouvez également consulter cette page si vous souhaitez consulter les études par pathologie.
Articles récents très intéressants sur la TIP
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Scoping Review and Historical Perspective (1974-2017). Ravitz P, Watson P, Lawson A, Constantino MJ, Bernecker S, Park J, Swartz HA. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2019 May/Jun;27(3):165-180.
- Ekeblad A, Falkenstrom F, Andersson G, Vestberg R, Holmqvist R. Randomized Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder in a Community-Based Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic. Depress Anxiety 2016;33(12):1090-1098.
- Souza LH, Salum GA, Mosqueiro BP, Caldieraro MA, Guerra TA, Fleck MP. Interpersonal psychotherapy as add-on for treatment-resistant depression: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. J Affect Disord 2016;193:373-80.
- Cuijpers P, Donker T, Weissman MM, Ravitz P, Cristea IA. Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Mental Health Problems: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. Am J Psychiatry 2016;173(7):680-7.
D’autres articles avec de bonnes méta-analyses TIP
- Cuijpers P, Karyotaki E, Weitz E, Andersson G, Hollon SD, van Straten A. The effects of psychotherapies for major depression in adults on remission, recovery and improvement: A meta-analysis. J Affect Disord;159C:118-126.
- Cuijpers P, Geraedts AS, van Oppen P, Andersson G, Markowitz JC, van Straten A. Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression: a meta-analysis. Am J Psychiatry;168(6):581-92.
Articles sur la TIP de groupe chez les adolescents
- Am J Psychother. 2004;58(2):220-37. A group adaptation of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for depressed adolescents. Mufson L1, Gallagher T, Dorta KP, Young JF.
- Guide pratique pour l’utilisation des TIP en groupe chez les ados: Groupe TIP selon l'OMS .
V/ Autres articles sur les TIP et leur utilisation
Dans cette section, vous trouverez une liste d’articles intéressants traitant de la TIP. La plupart sont des articles historiques, ayant contribué à démontrer l’efficacité de la TIP dans la dépression.
- AGRAS, W. S., WALSH, T., FAIRBURN, C. G., WILSON, G. T., KRAEMER, H. C., 2000, A multicenter comparison of cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa, Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 5, 459-466.
- ANGUS, L., GILLIES, L. A., 1994, Counseling the borderline client : An interpersonal approach, Canadian Journal of Counselling/Revue canadienne de counseling, 28, 69-82.
- BELLINO, S., ZIZZA, M., RINALDI, C., BOGETTO, F., 2006, Combined treatment of major depression in patients with borderline personality disorder : a comparison with pharmacotherapy, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 7, 453-460.
- BERTERA, E. M., 2005, Mental health in U.S. adults : The role of positive social networks and social negativity in personal relationships, Journal of Social and Personal Relationship, 22, 33-48.
- BLEIBERG, K. L., MARKOWITZ, J. C., 2005, A pilot study of interpersonal psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder, American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 1, 181-183.
- BOLTON, P., BASS, J., NEUGEBAUER, R., VERDELI, H., CLOUGHERTY, K. F., WICKRAMARATNE, P., SPEELMAN, L., NDOGONI, L., WEISSMAN, M., 2003, Group interpersonal psychotherapy for depression in rural Uganda : a randomized controlled trial, Jama, 289, 23, 3117-3124.
- BRUCK, E., WINSTON, A., ADERHOLT, S., MURAN, J. C., 2006, Predictive validity of patient and therapist attachment and introject styles, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 60, 4, 393-406.
- CARON, J., GUAY, S., 2005a, Le soutien social peut-il reprendre sa juste place dans la problématique de la santé mentale ?, Santé mentale au Québec, 30, 1, 7-13.
- CARON, J., GUAY, S., 2005b, Soutien social et santé mentale : concept, mesures, recherches récentes et implications pour les cliniciens, Santé mentale au Québec, 30, 2, 15-41.
- CARROLL, K. M., ROUNSAVILLE, B. J., GAWIN, F. H., 1991, A comparative trial of psychotherapies for ambulatory cocaine abusers : relapse prevention and interpersonal psychotherapy, American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 17, 3, 229-247.
- CLOUGHERTY, K. F., VERDELLI, H., MUFSON, L. A., YOUNG, J. F., 2006, Interpersonal psychotherapy : effectiveness trials in Uganda and New York City, Psychiatric Annals, 36, 8, 566-572.
- CYRANOWSKI, J. M., FRANK, E., SHEAR, M. K., SWARTZ, H., FAGIOLINI, A., SCOTT, J., KUPFER, D. J., 2005, Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression with panic spectrum symptoms : a pilot study, Depression and Anxiety, 21, 3, 140-142.
- DANIEL, S. I., 2006, Adult attachment patterns and individual psychotherapy : a review, Clinical and Psychological Review, 26, 8, 968-984.
- DONNELLY, J. M., KORNBLITH, A. B., FLEISHMAN, S., ZUCKERMAN, E., RAPTIS, G., HUDIS, C.A., HAMILTON, N., PAYNE, D., MASSIE, M. J., NORTON, L., HOLLAND, J. C., 2000, A pilot study of interpersonal psychotherapy by telephone with cancer patients and their partners, Psychooncology, 9, 1, 44-56.
- EAGLE, M. N., 2006, Attachment, psychotherapy and assessment : a commentary, Journal of Consultation and Clinical Psychology, 74, 6, 1086-1097.
- ELKIN, I., SHEA, M. T., WATKINS, J. T., IMBER, S. D., SOTSKY, S. M., COLLINS, J. F., GLASS, D. R., PILKONIS, P. A., LEBER, W. R., DOCHERTY, J. P., 1989, National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program, General Effectiveness of Treatments, Archives of General Psychiatry, 46, 11, 971-982.
- FAIRBURN, C. G., JONES, R., PEVELER, R. C., HOPE, R. A., O’CONNOR, M., 1993, Psychotherapy and bulimia nervosa. Longer-term effects of interpersonal psychotherapy, behavior therapy, and cognitive behavior therapy, Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, 6, 419-428.
- FRANK, E., KUPFER, D. J., PEREL, J. M., CORNES, C., JARRETT, D. B., MALLINGER, A. G., THASE, M. E., MCEACHRAN, A. B., GROCHOCINSKI, V. J., 1990, Three-year outcomes for maintenance therapies in recurrent depression, Archives of General Psychiatry, 47, 12, 1093-1099.
- FRANK, E., 2005, Treating Bipolar Disorder : A Clinician’s Guide to Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy, Guilford Press, New York.
- FRANK, E., KUPFER, D. J., THASE, M. E., MALLINGER, A. G., SWARTZ, H. A., FAGIOLINI, A. M., GROCHOCINSKI, V., HOUCK, P., SCOTT, J., THOMPSON, W., MONK, T., 2005, Two-year outcomes for interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in individuals with bipolar I disorder, Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 9, 996-1004.
- GROTE, N. K., BLEDSOE, S. E., SWARTZ, H. A., FRANK, E., 2004, Culturally relevant psychotherapy for perinatal depression in low-income ob/gyn patients, Clinical Social Work Journal, 32, 3, 327-347.
- JOYCE, A. S., WOLFAARDT, U., SRIBNEY, C., AYLWIN, A. S., 2006, Psychotherapy research at the start of the 21st century : the persistence of the art versus science controversy, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 13, 797-809.
- KIESLER, D. J., WATKINS, L. M. 1989, Interpersonal complimentarity and the therapeutic alliance : a study of the relationship in psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, 26, 2, 183-194.
- LESPERANCE, F., FRASURE-SMITH, N., KOSZYCKI, D., LALIBERTE, M. A., VAN ZYL, L. T., BAKER, B., SWENSON, J. R., GHATAVI, K., ABRAMSON, B. L., DORIAN, P., GUERTIN, M. C., 2007, Effects of citalopram and interpersonal psychotherapy on depression in patients with coronary artery disease : the Canadian Cardiac Randomized Evaluation of Antidepressant and Psychotherapy Efficacy (CREATE) trial, Jama, 297, 4, 367-379.
- LIPSITZ, J. D., GUR, M., MILLER, N. L., FORAND, N., VERMES, D., FYER, A. J., 2006, An open pilot study of interpersonal psychotherapy for panic disorder (IPT-PD), Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 194, 6, 440-445.
- LIPSITZ, J. D., MARKOWITZ, J. C., CHERRY, S., FYER, A. J., 1999, Open trial of interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of social phobia, American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 11, 1814-1816.
- LUTY, S. E., CARTER, J. D., MCKENZIE, J. M., RAE, A. M., FRAMPTON, C. M., MULDER, R. T., JOYCE, P. R., 2007, Randomised controlled trial of interpersonal psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression, British Journal of Psychiatry, 190, 496-502.
- MACKENZIE, K. R., GRABOVAC, A. D., 2001, Interpersonal psychotherapy group (IPT-G) for depression, Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 10, 1, 46-51.
- MARKOWITZ, J. C., 1998, Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Dysthymic Disorder, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.
- MARKOWITZ, J. C., KOCSIS, J. H., FISHMAN, B., SPIELMAN, L. A., JACOBSBERG, L. B., FRANCES, A. J., KLERMAN, G. L., PERRY, S. W., 1998, Treatment of depressive symptoms in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients, Archives of General Psychiatry, 55, 5, 452-457.
- MARKOWITZ, J. C., KOCSIS, J. H., BLEIBERG, K. L., CHRISTOS, P. J., SACKS, M., 2005, A comparative trial of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for “pure” dysthymic patients, Journal of Affective Disorders, 89, 1-3, 167-175.
- MARKOWITZ, J. C., BLEIBERG, K. L., CHRISTOS, P., LEVITAN, E., 2006, Solving interpersonal problems correlates with symptom improvement in interpersonal psychotherapy, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 194, 1, 15-20.
- MARKOWITZ, J. C., 2006, Adaptations of interpersonal psychotherapy, Psychiatric Annals, 36, 8, 559-564.
- MARKOWITZ, J. C., SKODOL, A. E., BLEIBERG, K., 2006, Interpersonal psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder : possible mechanisms of change, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62, 4, 431-444.
- MCBRIDE, C., ATKINSON, L., QUILTY, L. C., BAGBY, R. M., 2006, Attachment as moderator of treatment outcome in major depression : a randomized control trial of interpersonal psychotherapy versus cognitive behavior therapy, Journal of Consultation and Clinical Psychology, 74, 6, 1041-1054.
- MCINTOSH, V. V., JORDAN, J., CARTER, F. A., LUTY, S. E., MCKENZIE, J. M., BULIK, C. M., FRAMPTON, C. M., JOYCE, P. R., 2005, Three psychotherapies for anorexia nervosa : a randomized, controlled trial, American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 4, 741-747.
- MILLER, L., WEISSMAN, M., 2002, Interpersonal psychotherapy delivered over the telephone to recurrent depressives. A pilot study, Depression and Anxiety, 16, 3, 114-117.
- MUFSON, L., WEISSMAN, M. M., MOREAU, D., GARFINKEL, R., 1999, Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents, Archives of General Psychiatry, 56, 6, 573-579.
- MUFSON, L., DORTA, K. P., WICKRAMARATNE, P., NOMURA, Y., OLFSON, M., WEISSMAN, M. M., 2004, A randomized effectiveness trial of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents, Archives of General Psychiatry, 61, 6, 577-584.
- MUFSON, L., GALLAGHER, T., DORTA, K. P., YOUNG, J. F., 2004, A group adaptation of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for depressed adolescents, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 58, 2, 220-237.
- MUFSON, L., DORTA, K. P., MOREAU, D., M., W. M., 2004, Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (2nd ed.), Guilford Press, New York.
- NEUGEBAUER, R., KLINE, J., MARKOWITZ, J. C., BLEIBERG, K. L., BAXI, L., ROSING, M. A., LEVIN, B., KEITH, J., 2006, Pilot randomized controlled trial of interpersonal counseling for subsyndromal depression following miscarriage, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 67, 8, 1299-1304.
- O’HARA, M. W., STUART, S., GORMAN, L. L., WENZEL, A., 2000, Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy for postpartum depression, Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 11, 1039-1045.
- PARKER, G., PARKER, I., BROTCHIE, H., STUART, S., 2006, Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression ? The need to define its ecological niche, Journal of Affective Disorders, 95, 1-3, 1-11.
- REAY, R., FISHER, Y., ROBERTSON, M., ADAMS, E., OWEN, C., KUMAR, R., 2006, Group interpersonal psychotherapy for postnatal depression : a pilot study, Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 9, 1, 31-39.
- REAY, R., MULCAHY, R., 2006, Group interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT-G) for postnatal depression : a randomised controlled trial, présentation, Second International Conference on Interpersonal Psychotherapy : Extending the Reach of IPT, november 14th, Toronto.
- REYNOLDS, C. F., FRANK, E., PEREL, J. M., IMBER, S. D., CORNES, C., MILLER, M. D., MAZUMDAR, S., HOUCK, P. R., DEW, M. A., STACK, J. A., POLLOCK, B. G., KUPFER, D. J., 1999, Nortriptyline and interpersonal psychotherapy as maintenance therapies for recurrent major depression : a randomized controlled trial in patients older than 59 years, Jama, 281, 1, 39-45.
- ROBERTSON, M., RUSHTON, P. J., BARTRUM, D., RAY, R., 2004, Group-based interpersonal psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder : theoretical and clinical aspects, International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 54, 2, 145-175.
- ROSSELLO, J., BERNAL, G., 1999, The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal treatments for depression in Puerto Rican adolescents, Journal of Consultation and Clinical Psychology, 67, 5, 734-745.
- ROUNSAVILLE, B. J., GLAZER, W., WILBER, C. H., WEISSMAN, M. M., KLEBER, H. D., 1983, Short-term interpersonal psychotherapy in methadone-maintained opiate addicts, Archives of General Psychiatry, 40, 6, 629-636.
- SCHRAMM, E., VAN CALKER, D., BERGER, M., 2004, Efficacy and therapeutic factors of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed inpatients – results of a pilot study, Psychosomatic Medicine, Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology, 54, 2, 65-72.
- SCHULBERG, H. C., BLOCK, M. R., MADONIA, M. J., SCOTT, C. P., RODRIGUEZ, E., IMBER, S. D., PEREL, J., LAVE, J., HOUCK, P. R., COULEHAN, J. L., 1996, Treating major depression in primary care practice, Eight-month clinical outcomes, Archives of General Psychiatry, 53, 10, 913-919.
- SCOCCO, P., DE LEO, D., FRANK, E., 2002, Is interpersonal psychotherapy in group format a therapeutic option in late-life depression ? Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 9, 68-75.
- SHAHAR, G., BLATT, S. J., ZUROFF, D. C., PILKONIS, P. A., 2003, Role of perfectionism and personality disorder features in response to brief treatment for depression, Journal of Consultation and Clinical Psychology, 71, 3, 629-633.
- SOTSKY, S. M., GLASS, D. R., SHEA, M. T., PILKONIS, P. A., COLLINS, J. F., ELKIN, I., WATKINS, J. T., IMBER, S. D., LEBER, W. R., MOYER, J., 1991, Patient predictors of response to psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy : findings in the NIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program, American Journal of Psychiatry, 148, 8, 997-1008.
- STUART, S., ROBERTSON, M., 2003, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, A Clinician’s Guide, Arnold, London. STUART, S., NOYES JR., R., 2005, Treating hypochondriasis with interpersonal psychotherapy, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 35, 3, 269-283.
- STUART, S., ROBERTSON, M., O’HARA, M. W., 2006, The future of interpersonal psychotherapy, Psychiatric Annals, 36, 8, 578-588.
- SWARTZ, H. A., FRANK, E., SHEAR, M. K., THASE, M. E., FLEMING, M. A., SCOTT, J., 2004, A pilot study of brief interpersonal psychotherapy for depression among women, Psychiatric Services, 55, 4, 448-450.
- VERDELI, H., CLOUGHERTY, K., BOLTON, P., SPEELMAN, L., LINCOLN, N., BASS, J., NEUGEBAUER, R., WEISSMAN, M. M., 2003, Adapting group interpersonal psychotherapy for a developing country : experience in rural Uganda, World Psychiatry, 2, 2, 114-120.
- WAMPOLD, B. E., MINAMI, T., TIERNEY, S. C., BASKIN, T. W., BHATI, K. S., 2005, The placebo is powerful : estimating placebo effects in medicine and psychotherapy from randomized clinical trials, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 7, 835-854.
- WEISSMAN, M. M., MARKOWITZ, J. C., KLERMAN, G. L., 2000, Comprehensive Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Basic Books, New York.
- WEISSMAN, M. M., 2007, Cognitive therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy : 30 years later, American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 5, 693-696.
- WILFLEY, D. E., AGRAS, W. S., TELCH, C. F., ROSSITER, E. M., SCHNEIDER, J. A., COLE, A. G., SIFFORD, L. A., RAEBURN, S. D., 1993, Group cognitive-behavioral therapy and group interpersonal psychotherapy for the nonpurging bulimic individual : a controlled comparison, Journal of Consultation and Clinical Psychology, 61, 2, 296-305.
- WILFLEY, D. E., FRANK, M. A., WELCH, R., SPURRELL, E. B., ROUNSAVILLE, B. J., 1998, Adapting interpersonal psychotherapy to a group format (G-IPT) for binge eating disorder : toward a model for adapting empirically supported treatments, Psychotherapy Research, 8, 4, 379-391.
- WILFLEY, D. E., ROY MACKENZIE, K., ROBINSON WELCH, R., AYRES, V. E., WEISSMAN, M. M., 2000, Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Group, 1st ed., Basic Books, New York.
- WILFLEY, D. E., WELCH, R. R., STEIN, R. I., SPURRELL, E. B., COHEN, L. R., SAELENS, B. E., DOUNCHIS, J. Z., FRANK, M. A., WISEMAN, C. V., MATT, G. E., 2002, A randomized comparison of group cognitive-behavioral therapy and group interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of overweight individuals with binge-eating disorder, Archives of General Psychiatry, 59, 8, 713-721.
- YOUNG, J. F., MUFSON, L., DAVIES, M., 2006, Impact of comorbid anxiety in an effectiveness study of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents, Journal of American and Academic Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 8, 904-912.
- ZUROFF, D. C., BLATT, S. J., SOTSKY, S. M., KRUPNICK, J. L., MARTIN, D. J., SANISLOW, C.A., 3RD, SIMMENS, S., 2000, Relation of therapeutic alliance and perfectionism to outcome in brief outpatient treatment of depression, Journal of Consultation and Clinical Psychology, 68, 1, 114-124.
L’APA recommande notamment:
American Psychological Association, Div. 12: Society of Clinical Psychology. (n.d.). Treatment: Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression.
Bleiberg, K.L., & Markowitz, J.C. (2008). Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. In D.H. Barlow (Ed.) Clinical handbook of psychological disorders (4th ed., pp. 306-327). Guilford Press.
Frank, E., & Levenson, J.C. (2011). Interpersonal psychotherapy. American Psychological Association.
Pettit, J.W., & Joiner, T.E. (2006). Chronic depression: Interpersonal sources, therapeutic solutions. American Psychological Association.
Ravitz, P., Watson, P., & Grigoriadis, S. (2013). Psychotherapy essentials to go: Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression (P. Ravitz, & R. Maunder, (Eds.)) W.W. Norton
Weissman, M.M. (1995). Mastering depression through interpersonal psychotherapy: Patient workbook. Oxford University Press.
Weissman, M.M., Markowitz, J.C., & Klerman, G. L. (2017). The guide to interpersonal psychotherapy: Updated and expanded edition. Oxford University Press.